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  • No timers yet :(


The world’s simplest interval timer application

EMoM stands for every minute on the minute . It is a simple interval timing protocol with a variety of uses. It‘s not bloated with features like variable interval lengths or labels that just make things complicated and slow. You simply pick the length of your interval and how many times you want it to repeat and go!

While EMoM can be used for anything, I find it most useful for workouts. I like doing circuit style routines and this keeps me honest and on track. An example full body bpdyweight routine might be:

I start a 3:00 ⨉ 10 round timer in which I do 10 reps of pull-ups, 10 reps of dips, and 30 reps of air squats. I have 3 minutes to complete my reps of all the exercises. Let‘s say I can typically get my reps done in 2 minutes. This leaves 1 minute for rest before the time goes off and I start my next set.

I like this approach for a few reasons...

  • I can set my workout length exactly to the minute (30 minutes in the above example).
  • The amount of time I get to rest is dictated by how dilligent I am in cranking out my reps.
  • Removing variables like "time between exercises" helps me more accurately track progress of rep max or weight lifted increases/decreases, etc. This helps with more accurately assessing progression or stagnation/regression.

Want to start started?

Here are a few timers I have found useful:

Offline and Private

EMoM is a progressive web application (PWA). This allows this website to be “installed” on your device to use entirely offline. This means it can be used on iOS, Android, MacOS, Windows, etc. without the need to download it through proprietary app stores.

It also can be run in any web browser. All data is stored locally on your device's browser in what as known as localStorage. localStorage is not a cookie, and no data from it is ever sent to the server. It stays entirely on you device. It is not trackable, traceable, or identifiable in any way as nothing but your web browser has access to it.

While this website/application can run 100% offline—beyond initially downloading to your device to install (again, this is optional)—usage data is collected via Plausible.

Plausible is an extremely basic web traffic analytics application that only collects 100% anonymous website usage data like page visits, session, duration, etc. It is not Google Analytics that tracks literally everything about you, and is borderline illegal in many countries.

I only run it to see how much traffic I'm getting and what pages are being visited. I only use this to help improve the app, and again, it tells me nothing of you. That being said, if you are still uncomfortable with that, you can always opt out on the settings page.
